දකුණු පළාත් අධ්‍යාපන, ඉඩම් හා ඉඩම් සංවර්ධන, මහාමාර්ග සහ තොරතුරු අමාත්‍යාංශය


Ministry of Education, Land & Land Development , Highways & Information

Ministry of Education – Southern Province

Application Form

Recruitment of Graduates and Diploma holders to the Sri Lanka Teachers' Service, for the Special Education Teacher Vacancies in the Southern Provincial Council Sinhala Medium Schools

Subject Grade
Subject Grade

No Degree/Diploma/Certificate Medium Institute Grade or Class
(if noticed)
Duration (From-To) Effective Date

I declare that the information given here is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I read and understand all the terms and conditions mentioned in the Instruction sheet and I declare that I submit this application in accordance with those terms and conditions. I would also like to work in any school nominated by the Southern Provincial Ministry of Education. I am aware that I will be subject to dismissal if I am found unfit to be a teacher after being selected for this position.

I further state that I am subject to the rules and regulations imposed by the Ministry of Education of the Southern Province regarding conducting interviews and testing qualifications and will not change any of the information contained herein.